044 2529 6933

Middle School VI - VIII

Develop Academic Mindsets:

Students will develop positive attitudes and beliefs about themselves as learners in ways that increase their academic perseverance and prompt them to engage in productive behaviours including setting and meeting goals, doing quality work, and seeing it through to completion by seeking support and solutions to overcome obstacles.

Master Core Academic Content:

Students will develop and draw from a baseline understanding of knowledge in academic subjects in ways in which they can transfer knowledge to other situations.

Learn How to Learn:

Students will direct and monitor their own learning.

Think Critically and Solve Complex Problems:

Students will apply tools and techniques gleaned from core subjects to formulate and solve problems. These will include data analysis and scientific inquiry, as well as, creativity, outside-the-box thinking, and persistence.

Work Collaboratively:

Students will collaborate in identifying problems and creating solutions as they work on projects and activities.

Communicate Effectively:

Students will organize information, data, findings, and thoughts, and communicate them effectively using various media.

Develop Cultural Competence:

Students will develop cultural competence in ways that enable them to work effectively with diverse people in diverse settings.

Master Project-Based Learning Process:

Students will develop the necessary skills to work individually and with others on projects, especially those involving longer time frames and greater complexity.

Master 21st Century Skills:

In addition to mastering core academic, students will master essential techniques & technologies which will assure their future.