• Ensure your child gets enough sleep.
  • Encourage your child to eat nutritious food.
  • Send your child to school regularly and on time.
  • Help them to create an interest in learning.
  • Teach them to be respectful and obedient.
  • Supervise their leisure time and minimise their T.V. time.
  • Do not scold your child when he/she fails, be considerate and encourage him/her to improve.
  • Praise when your child does well.
  • Do not compare your children with other children.
  • Do not allow your child to use mobile phone.


Parents are advised to browse the school diary of their wards daily, to groom and inculcate the correct values in children.

  • Both Parents are expected to attend Parent Teacher Meeting.
  • Parents shall personally receive the results from the class teacher at the end of the term on the specified dates.
  • If a student absents himself / herself continuously for 10 days without prior permission, his / her name will be removed from the rolls.
  • Parents are requested not to allow children carry cellphone, camera, ipods etc., into the school. In case it comes to the notice of the Management, it will be returned only at the end of the academic year.
  • Parents are requested not to allow their children indulge in any money collection / celebration / distribution of gifts to the teachers or other students.
  • The school will not permit parents to leave the lunch in the office or also wait during the lunch time for handing over the lunch/materials (notebooks, pencil box etc.) personally to their wards.
  • The parent who seek any information should contact the School Reception only.
  • Parents can meet the teachers only between 3 p.m and 4 p.m
  • The aim of the school is not only to prepare students for examination, but also for a disciplined way of life. In this aspect, parents are welcome to discuss all disciplinary problems with the Principal.
  • Parents cannot engage the staff of the school for private tuitions.
  • All communications regarding school activities will be through the TJV App.

We are aware of the rules, regulations and systems existing in the school and will abide by it.
